Getting Started with ORCID

Creating a persistent, automatically updated record of your scholarly work

3. Using your ORCID iD

The most important thing to do with an ORCID iD is use it! If available, include your ORCID iD for:

  • Manuscript submissions
  • Grant applications
  • Peer reviews
  • Online profiles

Display your iD

Add the link to your ORCID iD on any of your public presences to help others find your research and accomplishments. Be sure to include the full URL, so others can easily navigate to your page. For example: Possibilities include:

  • CV or resume
  • Email signature
  • Social media accounts like LinkedIn
  • Research profiles like Scopus
  • Business cards

Share your iD

Your iD is also a URL, so you can create links in Word or on websites by selecting some text and adding your iD as a hyperlink. ORCID provides additional options for sharing your iD:

  1. From the ORCID website, click your name in the upper right corner and select "Account settings."
  2. Scroll down to the section titled "Sharing"
  3. To display a badge on your website, select the option for "Display your ORCID iD on the web" and copy the code provided.
  4. To create a QR code to add to posters, presentations, business cards, etc., select the option for "Get a QR code". Click the link below the QR code image to download your graphic.

Stay informed

As ORCID iD adoption grows, so will its capabilities. Check out some of these resources to learn more about using your ORCID iD.